Agnieszka Syska
She was born in Warsaw on January 21, 1977. She obtained the title of the canonical bachelor of the church at the Department of Mission Theology of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (supervisor of rev. prof. Władysław Kowalak): Religious content stories of Hasidim acc. M. Buber and D. Liftschitz . Syska is the author of the midrash and Judeo-Christian parable, allegory and translations of the Psalms
of David and Solomon. And she creates above-paraphrases of poetic works of apostolic and post-apostolic roots.
Agnieszka Syska belongs, among others to the Association for the Promotion of Art „Spoon Milk” in Kalisz, the Institute of Literary Art in Warsaw (Literary Art Institute at the Polish Writers Association), the Photography and Press Club at the Association of Polish Journalists of the Warsaw Branch, the Association of Polish Writers of the Warsaw Branch, the Polish Authors’ Association (delegated by the Warsaw authorities to the Gdańsk Branch). Syska is the autor of over twenty six books.