Leszek Lorent
Percussionist, PH.D in music art. In 2008 he graduated with honours from the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw. He also studied in Conservatoire National Superieur Musique et Danse de Lyon in the master class of prof. Jean Geoffroy. Between 2006-2009 he participated in the new music interpretation courses in Estonia (Tallin). He was awared many prizes: first prize in National Percussion Competition in Wrocław (2003), first prize in International AES Competiton in Amsterdam (2008), second prize in International Contemporary Chamber Music Competition in Cracow (2010) a.o. He regularly participates in the festivals: Warsaw Autumn, Aujourd’hui Musiques in Perpignan, Flaneries Musicales in Reims, Novelum in Toulouse. As a soloist he performed with the Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of the National Opera in Warsaw, the Orchestra of Świętokrzyska Philharmonic, Sinfonia Iuventus. He is a scholarship receiver of the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Societe Generale Bank, Zaiks Creativity Support Found. Leszek Lorent is known for the first performances of many contemporary composers’ works. He specializes in performing multipercussion works and instrumental theatre works. As a specialist in this type of art he participates in many conferences and research sessions in Polsnd and abroad. He is a lecturer at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Wasaw, where he cocreates with the New Music Study Center. Leszek Lorent is an autor of books: Szkice perkusyjne. Zagadnienia filozoficzno-wykonawcze multiperkusyjnych traktatów dźwiękowych wybranych twórców [Percussion sketches. Philosophical and performance aspects of multipercussion sound treatises by selected composers (publisher: Cultura Animi 2014), and Ineffabilis. Perkusyjne dzieła Marcina Błażewicza [Ineffabilis. Percussion works by Marcin Błażewicz] (publisher: Cultura Animi 2015). In the area of his scholary enquiry is philosophy of music, stochastic music by Iannis Xenakis, sonorism a.o. Two solo albums by Leszek Lorent have been released so far: Eidos, with pieces by Dariusz Przybylski, Miłosz Bembinow, Ignacy Zalewski, Iannis Xenakis (directed by Michał Szostakowski, released by For Tune 2013) and Kundalini. Lorent plays Błażewicz (directed by Andrzej Brzoska, relased by Requiem Records 2015).