Zbigniew Penherski
Born January 26, 1935 in Warsaw. Studied composition with Stefan Poradowski at the State Academy of Music in Poznań (1955 – 56), followed by studies with Tadeusz Szeligowski in Warsaw (1956 – 59). Penherski has also studied conducting with Bohdan Wodiczko (1960 -63). Holder of a Dutch government scholarschip, studied at the Instituteof Sonology in Utrecht (1969). Prize winner of composition competition such as:
Young Composers’ Competition of the Polish Composers’ Union (1960), Grzegorz Fitelberg Competition (1964) for „Musica humana”; Artur Malawski Competition (1976) for „Masurian Chronicles”, Composing Competition In Gdańsk (1992) for „Cantus”, Polish Radio Competition (1995) for „Genesis”.
Honoraty citizen of Kragujewac in Yugoslavia, Russe in Bulgaria and Ho-Chi-Minh in Wietnam. Awarded the Silver Cross of Merit (1975) and the Award of the Prime Minister of Poland, for Works for children and youth (1982). Member of Stage Artists and Composers’ Association sice 1961, Polish Composers’ Union since 1963, Polish Contemporary Music Association. Honorary member of the Scottish Society of Composers (1987). Penherski’s music has been performed in Poland and abroad, including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Sowiet Union and USA.
Penherski’s work consists predominantly of orchestra and chaber music, radio works and operas. The most important compositions include: „Musica humana” for baritone solo, mixed choir and symphony orchestra (1963), „Street Music” for chamber ensemble (1966), opera „The Twilight of Peryn” (1972), „Masurian Chronicles II” for symphony orchestra and tape (1973), „String Play” for string orchestra (1980), opera „Edgar – the Son of Walpor” (1982), „Scottish Chronicles for symphony orchestra (19870, „Littre Music for the End of Century” (2000), „Little String Litany” for string orchestra (2002). „Four Psalms” for mixed choir (2005).